Hadleigh High School
Project: Re-roofing
Location: Suffolk
Project Value: £400,000
Time Frame: 4 Months
Scope of Services Provided: Funding Application & Multi-Disciplinary Services
PCH prepared a successful funding application on behalf of Hadleigh High School for re-roofing of 2,400m² area to safeguard teaching space and reduce the schools energy bills. The roofs were in extremely poor condition with numerous defects and had suffered from leaks with patch repairs being futile. Once the funding was in place, PCH specified, tendered and oversaw the contractor on behalf of the School, through to completion.
“Hadleigh High School have worked closely with PCH Associates for the past 2 years. We have worked on reviewing the premises to identify key areas for infrastructure improvements. We were delighted at our success in obtaining capital funding, with PCH Associates being the instrumental, for £446k from the EFA to improve the fabric of the building; this is at a time when funding approval is becoming increasingly competitive.
The school continues to work with PCH associates to not only access additional capital funding, but also to undergo a comprehensive property condition survey. I have always found Mark Hatley to be very professional in all matters, calm and considered in his approach when dealing with external agencies, including the EFA. For me, communication has been the key to our successful working partnership, I have never once had to chase for information, and Mark has always been proactive in his communication and information flow. This has always left me feeling at ease that the job is being handled well and confident in the abilities of PCH Associates to deliver, an accolade in which I place great worth.”