The Philip Morant School & College

Project: 2FE Expansion Comprising of New Teaching Block with 340 seat Theatre, Science Labs and IT Suites

Location: Colchester

Project Value: £6,500,000.00

Time Frame: Altogether 24 months from inception to completion

Scope of Services Provided: Site Masterplanning, Funding Co-ordination, Architecture, Principal Designer

PCH were employed to assess the shortfall in teaching accommodation in order to enable the school to provide another 300 places. PCH then helped the academy secure a funding agreement based around the needs identified. PCH then navigated the planning process and undertook the detailed design for the scheme.

PCH also assisted the school by co-ordinating the funding with the Football Foundation for a full-size 3G FTP (Football Turf Pitch). This was constructed as a separate project alongside the new teaching block;  to give the school and Essex County Council a fantastic outcome.

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